25. Mai 2023
4 alternating setsof:
A1) 10Hips Banded Russian Kettlebell swings
Rest 1 minute
A2) 8-10Bulgarian Ring Rows
Rest 1 minute
The suggested weight is 24/16kg for KB Swings.
Attach a band to add some extra resistance.
Adjust your foot placement on the ring row to make it appropriately challenging.
time of longest hold
4 alternating setsof:
A1) 10Hips Banded Russian Kettlebell swings
Rest 1 minute
A2) 8-10Bulgarian Ring Rows
Rest 1 minute
The suggested weight is 24/16kg for KB Swings.
Attach a band to add some extra resistance.
Adjust your foot placement on the ring row to make it appropriately challenging.