14. Januar 2023
– Squatting Quad Ankle Rocks x 10 reps/side
– BB Kang Squats x 8-10 reps
– BTN Overhead Complex: 3 strict press + 3 push press + 3 split jerk
– Tempo Front Squat @ 3333 x 4 reps
– 3 Position Clean & Jerk: 1 at mid thigh, 1 at knee 1 at 2" off ground
Run 800m Together
AMRAP Remaining time:
15 Shoulder to Overhead (42,5/30)
50 Double Unders
15 Hang Squat Clean
15 Kip HSPU’s
Bar must be held in the front rack while the partner is doing double unders and HSPU’s.
5 slow controlled joint rotations/side:
– Ankles
– Knees
– Hips
Every 2 mins for 5 sets
1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean + 1 Jerk
*Increase load each set