Posted by Emanuel Erlewein on Jan. 13, 2023 in
CrossFit – Fri, Jan 13
EMOM x 12 min:
Min 1: 10/side Plank Shoulder taps
Min 2: 6 Lunges + 12 Air Squats
Min 3: 10 Single Leg DB RDLs (5 reps/side)
Strength / Skill
Wall-Walk (10 Rounds for reps)
EMOM x 10:
1-4 Wall Walks
*Focus on:
– Track number of steps for each rep
– Minimal number of steps w/ hands
-Look at the wall the entire time by driving your head/chest towards the wall
WOD (Time)
“DB’s are Da Devil”
For time:
Single Arm DB Devil Press (22,5/15)
Single DB Box Step Overs (22,5/15)
*14 min cap
*Alternating arms on devil press
*DB held any way on step overs