Posted by Emanuel Erlewein on Okt 07, 2020 in
WOD – 20201007
Mittwoch, den 07.10.2020
Dom | Philo
– accumulate ~45sec of supinated bar hang
3 rounds
– 5 Downward Dog to Cobra transitions
– 10 Supinated Bent Over Barbell Row
– 10 Scapular Pull-Ups
– 10 Beatswings
Today’s strength part are supersets of strict pull-ups and inverted row holds. Rest 30 sec before moving on to the hold and 2 min before returning to pull-ups.
Strict Pull-Up (3-4 sets of 10-12)
Scale accordingly to hit the rep range. Make it more difficult by adding weight or easier by switching to Ring Rows.
Dom | Philo