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3. September 2022

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WoD – 09/03/2022

Warm Up
<p><strong>3 rounds</strong><span style="display: none;"> </span><br />- 2 minute Run<br />- 10 BB Overhead Squat; increase weight each rd.<br />- 10 Walking Lunges<br />- 10 Scapular Pull-Ups<br />- 10 Beat Swings</p><p>Remember to warm up on the Overhead Squats before starting the workout.</p>

Bull (Time)
Two rounds for time of:
200 Double-unders
135 pound Overhead squat, 50 reps
50 Pull-ups
Run 1 mile
In honor of U.S. Marine Corps Captain Brandon "Bull" Barrett, 27, of Marion, Indiana, was killed on May 5, 2010

<p>&nbsp;- Overhead Squats (60/42.5 kg)</p><p><br /><u>Scaled Bull Version</u></p><p>2 Rounds for Time<br />- 150 Single Unders<br />- 25 Overhead Squats (20/15&nbsp;kg)<br />- 25 Ring Rows<br />- 0.5-Mile Run (800&nbsp;m)&nbsp;</p><p><u>Intermediate Version</u><br />2 Rounds for Time<br />- 200 Double Unders<br />- 50 Overhead Squats (43/30 kg)<br />- 50 Pull-Ups<br />- 1 Mile Run (1600m)</p><p><br /><strong>Tips and strategies</strong><br />Beware! On paper, 2 rounds may not look like much, but don’t let appearances fool you. The number of reps you need to perform in each round is high. Unbroken is not necessarily recommended here. For example, you can break up the sets like this:<br />- Double-Unders: 2 to 4 sets.<br />- Overhead Squats: 3 to 5 sets (try to do at least 10 reps each time you pick up the bar)<br />- Pull-Ups: 2-5 sets (same here)<br />- Take advantage of the run to loosen up your arms and shoulders.</p>