29. September 2024
– 10 Wrist-Circles e/d
– 10 Arm-Circles forwards
– 10 Arm-Circles backwards
– 10 Toe-Touches and Sky-Reaches
– 5 Inchworms with Push-Up
– 10 Down-Ups
– 10 Banded Squats
– 10 Banded Hollow-Rocks
Specific Warm-Up
3 rds
– 10 alt. DB Strict-Presses -> 10 DB Goblet-Squats -> 10 DB Snatches (light weight) i/t
– 30 sec Bike (EZ)-> 30 sec Bike (MOD) -> 30 sec Bike ( MOD-HARD)
– 5 Scap Pull-Ups + 5 Scap Push-Ups + 5 Squats -> 5 Beatswings + 5 Push-Ups + 5 Squats
– 3-5 Strict Pull-Ups -> 5 Push-Ups -> 5 Squats
EMOM 30*
Minute 0-10
Complex of
– 6 Down-Ups + 5 DB-Snatches + 5 DB-Goblet Squats
(choose weight which allows you to finish the complex in ~45 sec)
Beginner and Advanced use one Dumbell, Pros: Double Dumbells)
2 min rest
Minute 13-23
– 45 sec Bike ( find moderate-heavy pace you can hold for all the 10 rds)
2 min rest
Minute 26-36
– 1 rd of Cindy
( 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Squats)
Scale the reps as needed to hold them for all 10 rds
*Staggered start if its necessary cause of limited numbers of Airbikes