24. Juli 2024
6 Medicine Ball Kang Squat
6 Alt. Step-Ups
6 Barbell Strict Press
:45 Row
EMOM x 5 MINUTES (:30 ON / :30 OFF)
MIN 1 – Wall Ball Shots
MIN 2 – Barbell Deadlifts
MIN 3 – Box Jumps
MIN 4 – Barbell Push Press
MIN 5 – Cal Row
Pausing Deadlift*)
KG WB: (9/6)
KG BB: (35/25)
(Score is Total Reps)
KG WB: (6/5)
KG KB: (24/16)
10 Alt. Bird Dogs
10 Cat/Cows
:30 Down Dog
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)
*Use the same Moderate weight for all 5 sets. Pause for :02 below the knee on the way up and down each rep. Option for Clean Grip or Snatch Grip.
(Score is Weight)