23. Februar 2024
2-3 sets:
-10 Squat to Stand
-10 Standing Banded Pull Throughs
– 8m Flat Back Ostrich Walk
-x 3-5 reps 3 Position Deadlift – Thigh, Knee, Below Knee
Deadlift Specific Prep
Move through
2×10 reps w/ empty bar then light load 31X1 tempo
8 reps @ 50%
5 reps @ 60%
remainder of build up with 3-1 rep sets.
AMRAP 8 minutes:
-10 Deadlifts @ 60/45 kg
-15 Box Jumps
-15 Deadlifts @ 85/65 kg
-15 Box Jumps
-20 Deadlifts @100/70 kg
-15 Box Jumps
-25 Deadlifts @125/85 kg
-15 Box Jumps
-30 Deadlifts 140/93 kg
-15 Box Jumps
-35 Deadlifts 165/100 kg
-15 Box Jumps
3 Sets
Cat-Cow – 10 Slow Controlled reps
McGill Curl up x :30 hold
Bird-Dogs x 4/side