Posted by Emanuel Erlewein on Sep 18, 2020 in
WOD – 20200918
Freitag, den 18.09.2020
Emanuel | Flo
3 rounds
– 10 Glute Bridge with a 2 sec hold
– 10 Warrior Squat (5 each side)
– 10 Wall Squat
– 10 BB Elbow rotation (5 each side)
CNS activation
2-3 sets of 3 seated vertical jumps
Today’s strength part is the next iteration of our Front Squats.
Further decreasing the reps in order to increase the weight.
Goal is to pick one weight (heavier than on 04.09.) and do 5 sets with it.
Front Squat (5 sets of 3)
Build in weight comapred to 04.09.2020 (5×3)
Rest 3 min between sets
– go through WOD movements
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 10 min
– 12 MedBall Squat Clean @6/9kg
– 12 Wallball @6/9kg
– 12 alternating Box Step Up @20/24"
Emanuel | Flo